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Error: #f88
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To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
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<div class='toolbar' role='navigation' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
This site is powered by [[TiddlyWiki|]].
We present an efficient framework for building an augmented environment and detecting multiple objects in the real-time video. 
*A rectangle detection algorithm.
*A convenient scheme is proposed to deal with the critical card detection problem and the 3D registration simultaneously. 
*A color histogram and moment based approach is used to identify the detected card. 

 [img[Multiple cards detection and identification|arcourse/vr1.jpg]]  [img[Cards detection and identification|arcourse/vr2.jpg]]
Here are the source code and video demos:
*[[ArCard package|arcourse/]]
*[[Multiple cards detection and identification (5.6MB)|arcourse/1.avi]]
*[[Cards identification test (31.4MB) |arcourse/3.avi]]
Software package used
Course Project Report
Jianke Zhu, ''"Augmented Environment for Card Games,"'' Course Report, Dec., 2006 ([[PPT|arcourse/arcardslides.pdf]] [[PDF|arcourse/arcard.pdf]]) 

| Call For Papers 2008 (<<today>>) |c
| !Name |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Content |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Venue |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Date |bgcolor(#ffbfff):Due Date |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Notification Date |bgcolor(#ffbfff): Remarks |
| ![[WWW 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc): BeiJing |bgcolor(#ff99cc): April 21 -25, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Nov. 11, 2007 |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Jan 15, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc): |
| ![[CVPR 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): Tracking, Detection  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Alaska |bgcolor(#ff99cc): June 24 -26, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc): December 3, 2007 |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Mar 5, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc):   |
| ![[SIGGRAPH 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): Texture |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Los Angeles |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Augt 5–9, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Jan 23, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Mar 19, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  |
| ![[SIGIR 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  Singapore |bgcolor(#ff99cc): 20-24 July 2007  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Jany 21, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc): April 6, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc):   |
| ![[ECCV 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  Marseille, France  |bgcolor(#ff99cc):   Oct. 12 - 18, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  Mar 14, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  June 27, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc):   |
| ![[EG 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  Prague, Czech |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Sep 3 – 9, 2007  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Feb 5, 2007  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): |
| ![[ICML 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  Finland |bgcolor(#ff99cc): June 6-9, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Feb 7/9, 2008 |bgcolor(#ff99cc): March 9, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): |
| ![[SIGKDD 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  San Jose |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Aug 24 – 27, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): Feb 23/28, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): May 15, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): |
| ![[ACM MM 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  |
| ![[SIGGRAPH Aisa 2008|]]|bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD |bgcolor(#ff99cc):Singapore |bgcolor(#ff99cc):Dec, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): May, 2008  |bgcolor(#ff99cc): TBD  |bgcolor(#ff99cc):  |
''朱建科 Jianke ZHU ''
RM 502, Cao Guangbiao Main Building
College of Computer Science & Technology
No. 38 Zheda Road, Yuquan Campus
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China
Email: jkzhu 'at'
GraphEdit to convert the video format, here is an example.
We try to convert a "*.wmv" to an "*.avi", the configuration of the graph is shown below
 [img[windows media file  to avi|misc/ge_convert.JPG]] 
The GraphEdit file can be download from the [[link|misc/convert.GRF]]
* [[CSC4120: Principle of Computer Game Software|]]
* [[CSC2120: Software Engineering|]]
* [[ERG3820: Software Engineering|]]
* [[CSC3270: Advanced Programming Lab|]]
* [[CSC5250: Information Retrieval and Search Engine|]]

* [[CSC5460 VR Course|VR Course]] and  [[VR Course Projects]]
* [[CSC5210 Computer Graphics]]
*[[CSC5280 Computer Vision|]]
*[[CSC6200 Artificial Intelligence|]]
It may obsolete, please refer to [[Feature Extraction Toolbox|]].

The source code is freely available from the [[LINK|]] for non-commercial use such as research and education.For technical details of the "Gabor Wavelets Transform for Face Recognition", please refer to the following publications:

Jianke Zhu,Mang I Vai and Peng Un Mak, 
''"A New Enhanced Nearest Feature Space (ENFS) Classifier for Gabor Wavelets Features Based Face Recognition," '' 
//First International Conference on Biometrics Authentication (ICBA'2004), LNCS 3072//, Hong Kong, July 15-17, 2004, pp.124-131.([[PDF|]])
[[Source Code]]
[[About This Site]]
Try [[DBLP|]] or [[Google Scholar|]]. 


Chenxia Wu, Jianke Zhu, Jiemi Zhang, Chun Chen and Deng Cai, 
''"A Convolutional Treelets Binary Feature Approach to Fast Keypoint Recognition,"''  
//ECCV 2012//, accepted. 

Chaoqun Hong, Jianke Zhu, Mingli Song and Yinting Wang, 
''"Realtime Object Matching with Robust Dominant Orientation Templates,"'' 
//ICPR 2012//, 2012.

Chenxia Wu, Jianke Zhu and Jiemi Zhang, 
''"A Content-based Video Copy Detection Method with Randomly Projected Binary Features,"'' 
//IEEE CVPR Workshop on LSVSM 2012//, 2012. 

Jiajun Bu, Bin Xu, Chenxia Wu, Chun Chen, Jianke Zhu, Deng Cai and Xiaofei He, 
''"Unsupervised face-name association via commute distance"'' , 
//ACM Multimedia2012//, accepted.  

Chenxia Wu, Jianke Zhu, Deng Cai, Chun Chen and Jiajun Bu,
''"Semi-Supervised Bootstrap Nonlinear Sequential Projection Learning Hashing,"'' 
//IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)//, accepted.

Lei Wu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu and Nenghai Yu,
''"Learning Bregman Distance Functions for Semi-Supervised Clustering,"'' 
//IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE)//, 2012.

Hao Wu, Jiajun Bu, Chun Chen, Jianke Zhu, Lijun Zhang, Haifeng Liu, Can Wang and Deng Cai,
''"Locally discriminative topic modeling,"'' 
//Pattern Recognition// 45(1): 617-625 (2012).


Jianke Zhu, Hao Ma, Chun Chen and Jiajun Bu,
''"Social Recommendation Using Low-Rank Semidefinite Program,"'' 
//25th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'11)//, San Francisco, CA, USA, Aug. 7-11, 2011.

Dayong Wang, Steven C. H. Hoi, Ying He and Jianke Zhu, 
''"Retrieval-based face annotation by weak label regularized local coordinate coding,''"
//ACM Multimedia 2011//, 353-362.

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Michael R. Lyu and Shuicheng Yan,
''"A Semi-supervised Approach to Near Duplicate Keyframe Detection and Retrieval,"'' 
//ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications//, 7(1): 4 (2011).

Lei Wu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu and Nenghai Yu,
''"Distance Metric Learning from Uncertain Side Information for Automated Photo Tagging,"'' 
//ACM Trans. on Intelligent Systems and Technology(TIST)//,  2(2): 13 (2011).


Hao Ma, Jianke Zhu, Michael R. Lyu and Irwin King
''"Bridging the Semantic Gap between Image Contents and Tags,"'' 
//IEEE Trans. on Multimedia//, vol. 12, pp. 462-473, Aug. 2010.


Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu and Zhirong Yang,
''"Adaptive Regularization for Transductive Support Vector Machine,"''
//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2009 (NIPS2009) //.

Lei Wu, Rong Jin, Steven C.H. Hoi, Jianke Zhu and Nenghai Yu,
''"Learning Bregman Distance Functions and Its Application for Semi-Supervised Clustering,"''
//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2009 (NIPS2009) //.

Lei Wu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu and Nenghai Yu,
''"Distance Metric Learning from Uncertain Side Information with Application to Automated Photo Tagging,"''
//ACM Multimedia 2009 //.

Jianke Zhu,  Luc Van Gool, and Steven C.H. Hoi,
''"Unsupervised Face Alignment by Robust Nonrigid Mapping,"''
//IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2009)//, 2009.([[Project|facealign/index.html]], [[PDF|pdfs/iccv09.pdf]])

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu,
''"Nonrigid Shape Recovery by Gaussian Process Regression,"''
//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2009)//, June. 2009. ([[PDF|pdfs/cvpr09.pdf]])

Jianke Zhu, Michael R. Lyu and Thomas S. Huang, 
''"A Fast 2D Shape Recovery Approach by Fusing Features and Appearance,"''
//IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI)//, vol. 31, July 2009, pp.1210-1224. ([[PDF|pdfs/tpami07.pdf]])

Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, and Michael R. Lyu
''"Semi-Supervised SVM Batch Mode Active Learning with Applications to Image Retrieval,"''
//ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)//, vol. 27, May 2009. 

Zenglin Xu, Kaizhu Huang, Jianke Zhu, Irwin King, and Michael R. Lyu. 
''"A Novel Kernel-based Maximum A Posteriori Classification Method,"''
//Neural Networks//, Vol. 22, pp.977-987, 2009.


Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Michael R. Lyu and Shuicheng Yan,
''"Near-Duplicate Keyframe Retrieval by Nonrigid Image Matching,"'' (Oral)
//ACM Multimedia 2008 (MM2008)//, pp.41-50. ([[PDF|pdfs/mm08.pdf]],  [[PPT|pdfs/mm08_ppt.pdf]])

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi,  Zenglin Xu and Michael R. Lyu,
''"An Effective Approach to 3D Deformable Surface Tracking,"''
//The 10th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2008)//, Oct. 2008. ([[PDF|pdfs/eccv08.pdf]])

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"Robust Regularized Kernel Regression,"''
//IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics//, pp.1639-1644, Dec., 2008. ([[PDF|pdfs/tsmcb07.pdf]])

Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"Semi-Supervised SVM Batch Mode Active Learning for Image Retrieval,"''
//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2008)//, June 24-26,  2008.
([[Project web|]],  [[PDF|pdfs/hoi08_bmal.pdf]])

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"Face Annotation by Transductive Kernel Fisher Discriminant,"''
//IEEE Trans. on Multimedia//, vol. 10, Jan. 2008, pp. 86-96. ([[PDF|pdfs/tmm_tkfd07.pdf]])


Jianke Zhu and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"Progressive Finite Newton Approach To Real-time Nonrigid Surface Detection,"''  (Oral)
//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2007)//,  June 19-21, 2007.
 ([[Project|nonrigid.html]], [[PDF|pdfs/jk_cvpr07_pfn.pdf]], [[Video1|pdfs/video/cvpr_starbuck.avi]], [[Video2|pdfs/video/cvpr_tshirt.avi]], [[Video3|pdfs/video/cvpr_paper.avi]]) 

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"A Multi-Scale Tikhonov Regularization Scheme for Implicit Surface Modelling,"''
//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2007)//,  June 19-21, 2007.
([[Project|reconstruct.html]],  [[PDF|pdfs/jk_cvpr07_tr.pdf]])

Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, Irwin King and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"Efficient Convex Relaxation for Transductive Support Vector Machine,"''
//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2007 (NIPS2007) //.  ([[PDF|pdfs/nips.pdf]])

Zenglin Xu, Kaizhu Huang, Jianke Zhu, Irwin King and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"Kernel Maximum a Posteriori Classification with Error Bound Analysis,"''
//International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2007) ,  LNCS 4984.//, 2008, pp.841–850.([[PDF|pdfs/iconip07.pdf]])

Zenglin Xu, Jianke Zhu,  Michael R. Lyu and Irwin King, 
''"Maximum Margin based Semi-supervised Spectral Kernel Learning,"''
//International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2007)//.  ([[PDF|pdfs/ijcnn07a.pdf]])

Hongbo Deng, Jianke Zhu, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King, 
''"Two-Stage Multi-Class AdaBoost for Facial Expression Recognition,"''
//International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN2007)//.  ([[PDF|pdfs/ijcnn07b.pdf]])


Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu,
''"The Real-Time Non-Rigid Shape Recovery via Active Appearance Models for Augmented Reality,"''
//9th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2006), LNCS 3951//, Graz, May 7-13, 2006, pp.186-197. 
([[Project|aam.html]], [[PDF|]])

Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu and Michael R. Lyu , 
''"Batch Mode Active Learning and Its Application to Medical Image Classification,"''
//The 23th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2006), //Pittsburgh, June 25-29, 2006.([[PDF|]])

Chong Fong Wong, Jianke Zhu, Mang I Vai and Peng Un Mak, 
''"Face Image Retrieval with Relevance Feedback Using Lifting Wavelets Features,"''
 //Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis Series//, Tao Qian (ed.),  Springer, 2006. ([[PDF|]])

''Before 2006''

Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Edward Yau and Michael R. Lyu, 
''"Automatic 3D Face Modeling Using 2D Active Appearance Models,"''
 //13th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG2005) //, Macau, China, October 12-14 2005. 
([[Project|aam.html]], [[PDF|]])

Steven C.H. Hoi, Jianke Zhu and Michael R. Lyu,
''"CUHK at ImageCLEF 2005: Cross-Language and Cross-Media Image Retrieval," ''
//Proceedings of Cross Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF'2005), LNCS 4022//, Vienna, Austria, 2006.  (Rank 1/10 in Bilingual ad hoc retrieval)([[PDF|]])

Chong Fong Wong, Jianke Zhu, Mang I Vai and Peng Un Mak,
''"Face Image Retrieval in Video Sequences Using Lifting Wavelets Transform Feature Extraction,"''
// International Symposium on Computer Electronics (ICSE2005)//, IEEE Press,  Macau. 2005, pp.167-171.([[PDF|]])

Jianke Zhu,Mang I Vai and Peng Un Mak,
''"Gabor Wavelets Transform and Extended Nearest Feature Space Classifier for Face Recognition,"''
 //Third International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG2004)//, IEEE Press, Hong Kong, Dec. 28-30, 2004, pp.372-379.([[PDF|]])

Jianke Zhu,Mang I Vai and Peng Un Mak, 
''"A New Enhanced Nearest Feature Space (ENFS) Classifier for Gabor Wavelets Features Based Face Recognition," ''
//First International Conference on Biometrics Authentication (ICBA2004), LNCS 3072//, Hong Kong, July 15-17, 2004, pp.124-131.([[PDF|]])

Jianke Zhu,Mang I Vai and Peng Un Mak, 
''"Face Recognition Using 2D DCT with PCA,"''
//4th Chinese Conference on Biometric Recognition (Sinobiometrics2003)//, Beijing, China, Dec. 7-8, 2003.

Jianke Zhu,Mang I Vai and Peng Un Mak,
''"Face Recognition, a Kernel PCA Approach," ''
//Chinese Conference on Biology and Medical Electronics (CBME2003)//, Wu Xi, China. October 24-26, 2003.
|[img[Face Alignment|facali-iccv09.png]]|''Face Alignment''<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Luc Van Gool, and  Steven C.H. Hoi <html><br></html>''"Unsupervised Face Alignment by Robust Nonrigid Mapping,"''<html><br></html> //IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV2009) //, accepted.([[Project|facealign/index.html]], [[PDF|pdfs/iccv09.pdf]])|
|[img[Gaussian Process Regression|cvpr09.png]]<html><br></html>[img[3D Deformable Surface Tracking|eccv08.jpg]]<html><br></html>[img[Deformable Lucas-Kanade Algorithm|tpami08.jpg]]<html><br></html>[img[Nonrigid Surface Detection|cvprn.jpg]]|''Nonrigid Surface Recovery and Tracking''<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"Nonrigid Shape Recovery by Gaussian Process Regression,"''<html><br></html>//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2009)//, June. 2009. ([[PDF|pdfs/cvpr09.pdf]])<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi,  Zenglin Xu and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"An Effective Approach to 3D Deformable Surface Tracking,"''<html><br></html>//The 10th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2008)//, Oct. 2008.  ([[PDF|pdfs/eccv08.pdf]]).<html><br><br></html> Jianke Zhu, Michael R. Lyu and Thomas S. Huang, <html><br></html>''"A Fast 2D  Shape Recovery Approach by Fusing Features and Appearance,"''<html><br></html>//IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence//, 2009. ([[PDF|pdfs/tpami07.pdf]])<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"Progressive Finite Newton Approach To Real-time Nonrigid Surface Detection,"''<html><br></html>//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2007)//, June 19-21, 2007. ([[Project|nonrigid.html]], [[PDF|pdfs/jk_cvpr07_pfn.pdf]], [[PPT|pdfs/cvpr07.ppt]], [[Video1|pdfs/video/cvpr_starbuck.avi]], [[Video2|pdfs/video/cvpr_tshirt.avi]], [[Video3|pdfs/video/cvpr_paper.avi]])<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"Real-Time Non-Rigid Shape Recovery via Active Appearance Models for Augmented Reality,"''<html><br></html> //The 9th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2006), LNCS 3951 //, Graz, May 7-13, 2006, pp.186-197. ([[Project|aam.html]], [[PDF|]])|
|[img[Near Duplicate Keyframe Detection|mm08.jpg]]|''Near Duplicate Keyframe Detection''<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Michael R. Lyu and Shuicheng Yan  <html><br></html>''"A Semi-supervised Approach to Near Duplicate Keyframe Detection and Retrieval,"''<html><br></html> //ACM Trans. on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications //. ([[Project and code|dup_detect.html]]) '<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Michael R. Lyu and Shuicheng Yan  <html><br></html>''"Near-Duplicate Keyframe Retrieval by Nonrigid Image Matching,"''<html><br></html> //ACM Multimedia (MM2008) //, pp.41-50. ([[PDF|pdfs/mm08.pdf]], [[PPT|pdfs/mm08_ppt.pdf]])|
|[img[Surface Reconstruction|cvpri.jpg]]|''Regression and Its Application in Surface Reconstruction''<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"Robust Regularized Kernel Regression,"''<html><br></html>//IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics - Part B: Cybernetics//, pp.1639-1644, Dec., 2008. ([[PDF|pdfs/tsmcbr3.pdf]])<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"A Multi-Scale Tikhonov Regularization Scheme for Implicit Surface Modelling,"''<html><br></html>//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2007)//, June 19-21, 2007. ([[Project|reconstruct.html]],  [[PDF|pdfs/jk_cvpr07_tr.pdf]], [[PPT|pdfs/cvpr07_ppt.pdf]])|
|[img[3D Face Reconstruction|3dfit.jpg]]|''3D Face Fitting From Single Image''<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, <html><br></html>''"A Study on 3D Face From 2D Image,"''<html><br></html> Talk. ([[PDF|pdfs/3dfitting.pdf]])|
|[img[AAMs Face Alignment|tmm08.jpg]]<html><br></html>[img[Image catergorization|cvpr08.jpg]]<html><br></html>[img[Image catergorization|icml06.jpg]]|''Semi-Supervised Learning''<html><br><br></html>Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, Irwin King, Michael R. Lyu and Zhirong Yang,<html><br></html>''"Adaptive Regularization for Transductive Support Vector Machine,"''<html><br></html>//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2009 (NIPS 2009) //,  to appear.<html><br><br></html>Jianke Zhu, Steven C.H. Hoi and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"Face Annotation by Transductive Kernel Fisher Discriminant,"''<html><br></html>//IEEE Trans. on Multimedia//,   vol. 10, Jan. 2008, pp. 86-96.([[PDF|pdfs//tmm_tkfd07.pdf]], [[PPT|pdfs//tkfd_ppt.pdf]])<html><br><br></html>Zenglin Xu, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, Irwin King and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"Efficient Convex Relaxation for Transductive Support Vector Machine,"''<html><br></html>//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2007 (NIPS2007) //, Dec 6-9, 2007.([[PDF|pdfs/nips.pdf]])<html><br><br></html>''Active Learning''<html><br><br></html>Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"Semi-Supervised SVM Batch Mode Active Learning with Applications to Image Retrieval,"''<html><br></html>//ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS)//,  2009.([[Project web|]],  [[PDF|pdfs/tois08.pdf]])<html><br><br></html>Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu and Michael R. Lyu, <html><br></html>''"Semi-Supervised SVM Batch Mode Active Learning for Image Retrieval,"''<html><br></html>//IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'2008)//, June 24-26,  2008.([[Project web|]],  [[PDF|pdfs/hoi08_bmal.pdf]])<html><br><br></html>Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu and Michael R. Lyu  <html><br></html>''"Batch Mode Active Learning and Its Application to Medical Image Classification,"''<html><br></html>//The 23th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML'2006) //, Pittsburgh, June 25-29, 2006.([[PDF|]])<html><br><br></html>''Distance Metric Learning''<html><br><br></html>Lei Wu, Rong Jin, Steven C.H. Hoi, Jianke Zhu, and Nenghai Yu,  <html><br></html>''"Learning Bregman Distance Functions and Its Application for Semi-Supervised Clustering,"''<html><br></html>//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2009 (NIPS2009) //,  to appear.<html><br><br></html>Lei Wu, Steven C.H. Hoi, Rong Jin, Jianke Zhu, and Nenghai Yu,  <html><br></html>''"Distance Metric Learning from Uncertain Side Information with Application to Automated Photo Tagging,"''<html><br></html>//ACM Multimedia 2009//,  to appear.<html><br><br></html>Zenglin Xu, Kaizhu Huang, Jianke Zhu, Irwin King, and Michael R. Lyu,  <html><br></html>''"A Novel Kernel-based Maximum A Posteriori Classification Method,"''<html><br></html>//Neural Networks//,  2009.|

Jianke Zhu
[[Augmented Card Game]]

[[Convert Video by GraphEdit |Convert Video]]

[[Feature Extraction Toolbox|]]

[[Gabor Wavelets Transform Library (GWTLib)|Gabor Wavelets]]


margin:1em 1em 0em 14em;

''朱建科 Jianke ZHU ''
RM 309, Cao Guangbiao Main Building
College of Computer Science & Technology
No. 38 Zheda Road, Yuquan Campus
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027, China
Email: jkzhu 'at'

 ''Short Biography ''
Dr. Jianke Zhu is currently an associate professor in School of Computer Science at Zhejiang University. He received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Chinese University of Hong Kong. He was a postdoc in BIWI computer vision lab of ETH Zurich. Dr. Zhu's research interests include computer vision and multimedia information retrieval.  

 ''Professional Services: ''
TPC Member: IEEE/ACM WI2010, ACM WSM2010, ACM SIGIR2009

''I am currently looking for students. Please send me an email or drop by my office if you are interested.''